Friday, June 12, 2020

Feeling the Love Again

I am so happy I ripped Mosi back. Having it on the circular is so much better. I've got this much re-done already. If I had kept on with the Magic Loop I'm pretty sure I would have suffered from Second Sleeve Syndrome. It was a real slog.

The only yarnie finish I've had to show off lately is my yarn puzzle. The finger at the bottom is for gauge. Look how small it is. Those pieces are teeny tiny but I have to say I enjoyed working on it,

I'm going to work on another teeny tiny one. I've picked the basket puzzle because I heard last night that Rhinebeck was canceled. Not that I was going this year, but it's still sad. The last time I was there I picked up a basket just like these so I thought it would be a nice tribute to another 2020 festival that wasn't. 

I also took a cue from many of you and did a good stash cleaning yesterday. 

I had gone looking for this pack of rainbow Adara that I bought from Elann many, many years ago as a shawl kit. Now that the AC is  on I was thinking that I needed a summer shawl and thought this cotton yarn might be what I needed to get started. What I found was a dusty mess so by the time I finished cleaning it all up my case of Summer Startitis was cured. It's just as well because later I found out the pattern was no longer available and I had most likely thrown mine out in the big purge when we did the new floors last year. I suppose it just wasn't meant to be. 


  1. There are many patterns online I am sure you will find one that you like! I like the looks of that yarn:) Good job on the sleeve too!

  2. Mosi is looking beautiful and I'm glad you've found the love again.
    I plan on doing some major stash clearing this winter. Right now I'm having too much time in the trailer.

  3. Mosi is gorgeous!! Your puzzles look like fun. I had not heard that Rhinebeck has been cancelled. That's too bad (not that I was going, but...).

  4. Make a find your fade shawl
    Cheryl (aka seajaes)

  5. I knew you’d be happier with the re-knit sleeve. It looks fabulous and you’ll enjoy the fit better. Happy Knitting!

  6. sleeve was making ME anxious and I wasn't even knitting it! Sleeves can make me crazy! Oh that yarn you found !
    I think since I looked it up, and they say it is super warm, I'd have to make mittens or something small with it.

  7. Oh, the Mosi sleeves are a much better shape now! The yarn find is so pretty--you can find a new shawl pattern to knit it into!

  8. I think a good de-stash and clean up is the best. I did that earlier when I changed my office all around. I know have way, way less yarn, but then again I bought some more so it all evens out. Stay safe.
