Friday, June 26, 2020

A Friday FO

The dumpster did not appear in the driveway at dawn as I feared but the banging started at promptly 7 am.  Unlike yesterday we were not trapped in the house so we packed up our masks and off we went. I didn't care where we were going as long as I could knit. I really wanted my Pandemic socks off the needles. I am ready to move on.

The beach was too busy so we went to the wetland overlook. Pup can't get it through her head that the shady gazebos are off limits. It's where we used to spend our time there. Not anymore. 

The Mister has taken an interest in the birds. They put on quite a show yesterday. The big white herons were having some sort of battle. I don't think I've ever heard them make such a ruckus. 

There were also lots of creepy things swimming around in the water. I'd hate to have to jump in there for any reason. If Pup falls in, she's on her own.

We drove around long enough to get my socks done. I really like how they turned out. I hate to press my luck with another dye job but I think I just may have cracked the code. We'll see. 

In other knitting news the second Mosi sleeve is this long now.....

....and Pimpeliesse is now down to where the yarn is making big stripes again which I really like. A few more episodes of Ozark and she'll be done too. 


  1. I really like the way the socks turned out. They look so "happy" to me. Love the yarn on Pimpeliesse and the Mosi is moving along too. I'm not nearly as productive right now.
    Well, as of tomorrow masks are mandatory in Washington State. The governor has decreed. We've been wearing them for quite awhile already although they are so hot! Many people are balking and complaining about them and say they aren't going to wear them no matter what. The sherriff has said they aren't going to enforce the mandate but just suggest people wear them. I think this could get messy.

  2. You can keep so many projects going at once and I am always amazed at that. Love the sweet, colorful socks! You reminded me that I want a pair of binoculars so I can look more closely at birds when I can get out to hike again! Thanks for a great post!

  3. Good thing you could get out and get a break! The socks are fantastic and a superb dyeing job!
    Your knits are looking great!

  4. ❤️ the socks - please share the “code”!

  5. Your socks are beautiful! Such happy colors. Your outing yesterday sounds wonderful.

  6. You are such a great knitter. Seriously. I love your projects. They are so intricate. Birding is very fun here, because there are so many kinds of birds. I think the wren is all show, but I may check that bird nest house again today.....

  7. I can crochet in the car but not knit! Your projects all look great!

  8. Your knitting is beautiful, glad you were able to get away from all the noise. Caring for an elderly parent is rough as you know, good luck to your neighbors.

  9. The socks are fantastic and I love your Mosi. I remember you worrying about the colors (I think it was this sweater) but you had no need to worry. Those colors are fantastic together!
