Saturday, August 31, 2024

Last Gasp


On this last day of August, our hot summer is hanging on for dear life but it's been strangely nice out in the early morning hours. 

Since the sun rises over the bay, it's usually miserable down by the water in the morning. Not this week. There was a lovely breeze and overcast skies.

This particular beach welcomes furry friends. One doggo was going for a morning swim. Pup tried to join in but got hit by a wave in the face and that was it for her.  

We took a short walk on the boardwalk instead. That land you see in the distance is where we usually hang out when we want to be near the water. This beach is south of town and only open to town residents so there's rarely anyone else here.

The whole walk down to the water I was looking for signs of fall. What I saw were signs of the drought we've been suffering. I'm standing on a bridge that usually has water under it. Now there is nothing but sand. The wetlands are not very wet this year. 

This is usually a deep swamp area. Now it's just mud. You can hear the frogs chirping loudly when you walk past this area but not now. Not a peep. We need rain and we need a lot of it. It just keeps passing us by. 


  1. We're experiencing the same drought. It did rain a bit last week, just enough so I had to mow the lawn because the sedge grass grew. Here's hoping we both get a good soaking rain!

  2. What a beautiful area to walk! Hoping you have a rainy Fall to add relief to the wetlands!

  3. We have had quite a lot of rain this summer and the gardens seem very happy. If you can believe the extended weather guys, they're saying a lot of snow this winter. We'll see. I've never known them to be right. Poor Pup. I do feel for her. I would be done too!
