Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Fond Farewell


Dearly beloved, we come together to honor the memory of a valiant warrior in the mighty meal wars. This Rival electric skillet belonged to my mom and must be at least 30 years old. She made her amazing Calypso Chicken and Halloween donuts in it among other things. I made countless meals in it for Daddio after she passed. Then it came home with me. It was a wonderful little appliance but alas, its journey is over and I'm sad. 

Its replacement showed up yesterday. At least I hope so. I tried to replace it a few years ago, spent a fortune on it and then it only lasted a couple of meals before the non stick coating peeled off. In the trash it went. I'll put this new one together today and hope for the best. First up will be some salmon cakes for The Mister. 

It was only a month of so ago that I had to replace my equally old Oster food processor with this new one. I'm pretty sure I won't see 30 years of use out of this one. You can't beat the old appliances. They lasted forever. The new ones-not so much.


  1. Your "old" skillet is so shiny and new looking. I never would have guessed it's age. I hope the new one works well for you.
    You don't have to tell me about appliances not working. We had to buy a new stove last month. A garbage disposal three weeks ago and this week? A new dishwasher! I sure hope the microwave and refrigerator keep working or I'll scream. :-) All of them are about 22 years old so I guess it's not a surprise but did they all have to decide to die at the same time? Our Lowe's across the street has been pretty busy selling us new things.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Too true! We had an old Rival electric skillet just like that one! It is no more....

  3. I brought the same electric skillet home from my mother's house when we cleaned it out after she died. I was quite sad to find that it didn't want to work at my house. Here's hoping your new appliances work for at least a few years.

  4. I have to think that is much older than 30, as I remember one at my house growing up in the 1960s (in a classic pumpkin color) that was used to make a meal with a bad cut of beef and green peppers. Rest in peace little cooking item!

  5. Fried chicken has never tasted as good as what my Mom made using that skillet. I am still using my G.E. waffle iron and mixer from the 60s and my Hamilton Beach food processor from the 70s. They will probably outlive me. Good luck on your new skillet!

  6. When I moved out, I got Mom's old Electric Frying Pan - our signature dish in it was Spanish Pork Chops and Rice. I wore what was left of the non-stick coating off on it and we sadly retired it. Since that was the only thing I ever made in it, I never bothered to replace it. But seeing yours certainly brings back memories.
