Saturday, August 10, 2024



On July 3rd I placed an online order at Lowes for my laundry room cabinets and 3 bi-fold closet doors we needed for downstairs. We waited and waited. They said they were working on the delivery but it would be delayed. Fine. We didn't need it right away anyway since we were working on the floor. The floor is now done and we wanted the stuff so we called. Out of Stock they said. The wait will be long. But......after looking at the website again, I noticed they had the very same stuff IN STOCK at our local Lowes. How could that be? So off we went to see and sure enough they had just what we needed. I canceled that online order and somehow a very nice young man helped us figure out how to get all this in our smallish Ford Escape. Pup and I were crunched up front for the ride home but we made it. And....I saved myself the $80 delivery fee. 

Since Debby decided to not play so nice Thursday night and since The Mister and I were up in the middle of the night listening to the tornado warnings, we decided just to stay downstairs and get stuff done. We got the new overhead light installed in the laundry nook and those cabinets put up. 

We also put together those album shelves. As much as it pains me, I have to admit Wayfair has it all over Ikea in terms of assemblage.  Look how well organized it all is. 

And.....for those of you who were admiring my new lavender Crocs, here's the full picture now that I've broken them in. No, I don't always wear socks in this heat but I do put them on when I go out to keep mosquitoes away. They just love my ankles and toes. 


  1. Congratulations on outwitting Lowes inventory and delivery systems (and fitting it into the car)! It looks like it will be a pleasure to do laundry. Your Crocs are lookin' good, too.

  2. Wow--what a great looking laundry nook!!! You two do a very nice job on the DIY projects you tackle!

  3. The cabinets and the laundry room looks TERRIFIC! Wow you must be so happy (or you will be one you rest up!)

  4. Sometimes, we get lots done when we can't sleep!

  5. Mom just had a very similar issue with them (here they are called Rona, but it's the same company, with the same stock - just a the name of the Canadian company they bought out years ago). For Mom is was a vanity, and flooring.
