Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


That's the last cut. 

Those are the last planks. The floor is done. Can you believe it? 

We would have been done days sooner if I didn't always have to deal with The Mister's dithering. He was convinced we were running out of planks and spent too much time trying to piece things using every little scrap. We ended up with two whole extra boxes.

It's not time to put all this away though. We've got all that trim to put down. Starting Thursday. Tomorrow we've got errands to run.

While I'm painting the molding, The Mister will be putting these shelves together. 

They are made to hold his hundreds of albums. I am so sick of dragging these things around and vacuuming cat hair out of them I could scream. The Mister is probably tired of hearing me nagging about keeping his space clean after all this work we've done to spruce it up but I'm NOT kidding. It's non-negotiable. 


  1. Congratulations on the last cut! I wish you the best of luck with the shelves and albums. (I gave all my albums away about 10 years ago and I haven't missed them at all.)

  2. Congratulations!! We got rid of all our album years ago. We put them out for the trash and they were picked up by someone within 5 minutes!!

  3. The best part of a project like you've done is to weed out and organize things before you put them back!!!! The shelves will look much better! Yay for a finished floor!!!!

  4. What an awesome project!!! You two are quite the team and so talented.

  5. "Dithering" is an underused term. Good for you on the vocabulary AND that last cut.

  6. Hooray! You're really getting somewhere. And OH MY what a flashback when I saw that Peaches crate! That's where I got all my records when I was in High School!

  7. Yeah! The floors done! I'm so glad for you. I'm still in the doghouse from a garage sale I had over 30 years ago when Dennis was in Croatia for work. I sold his albums for $5.00 for all of them! Dozens and dozens of albums. Elvis, Jim Croce, Carpenters, and lots more. It breaks my heart now and I think it's the only thing he hasn't forgiven me for.
