Thursday, August 8, 2024

Tink Back Thursday


I was so close to finishing one of the gray blobs when disaster struck. There was something about the collar that was setting off my alarm. I should have listened to it ages ago because I ended up having to pull a lot of that short row bit out. It looked like an elf hood. It was too pointy. I looked at everyone's on Ravelry and they didn't look like that so out it all came. I'll figure out how to fix it later. I had errands to run.

The Mister had some medical things to take care of and then he needed to go to Walmart so I was looking forward to just sitting in the car with Pup and knitting. That didn't happen. It was so hot I thought I'd die. It was only 84 degrees but with that humidity it was stifling. It was a miserable morning.

The Mister went into Walmart for some golf balls and came out with her. They had moved all the aisles and in his search he came upon a clearance Barbie. She's a curvy one. I've never seen a curvy one before although I've heard about them. I'm not a fan of that outfit. It's not very flattering so I'll have to figure out what to do about that. 

At home the mailbox had another surprise. My lavender Crocs are here. I saw a pair walk by on a lady the other day and had to have some for my collection. I think this makes about 20 pairs now.'s this guy's birthday today. He showed up in 1979 and I'm not doing the math to figure out how long ago that was. I already feel ancient enough as it is. 


  1. It's been a week for thinking for sure. Our temps dropped - only 62 this morning. Still raining.

  2. I'm sorry about the collar tinking back but it will be much better once you figure out how to fix it. And curvy kayak Barbie definitely needs a new outfit!

  3. There is no question about it-when I sit and wait in the car while DH is shopping, I leave the car running and the AC on for my own retreat. Splurge! the new crocs and Barbie are sweet--you will have a new dress on her any day now. sorry about the sweater rip out; it happens.

  4. That sounds like one of my (with my daughter) shopping trips. Out to get dog food, back with Barbies and Star Wars figures.

  5. The math is 45... and only know that because I'm a few months behind him! I certainly don't feel almost 45!!!
    Love the barbie! I have a curvy one (She came with cat ears, a cat dress, long brown hair and green eyes, just like me! ) Sadly it means most of your other clothes won't fit her. You will probably have to make her something custom

  6. Sorry for the tink, and no matter what the temp is outside isn't it always much hotter in the car?

  7. My Mandy was born in 1980 so I know exactly, without thinking much, how old your guy is. How this this happen to us anyway?
    Sorry about having to tink your collar. It happens to the best of us doesn't it?
    Also sorry about the heat and humidity. We FINALLY got a break today. Along with our trip to Spokane until today it was 43 days straight of upper 80's to 109F temperatures. Today was 73 and I loved it. Tonight is supposed to be 52 and I've opened all of the windows for some fresh air. It feels so good, although I do know it won't last. Have a great Friday my friend.

  8. Oh, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those crocs. Lavender is my very favorite color. I've never owned a pair of crocs and you're making me think I should.
