Thursday, August 1, 2024



I took the twins on a a trip yesterday. Daughter had a babysitting emergency so The Mister, Pup and I took the 2 hour drive up to her house to fill in for a couple of hours. I got a few more rows finished on each on the way up. On the way back I was too tired to even think about them.

Halfway there is our old home town so we usually stop to let Pup stretch her legs at a lake that's right off the beltway. It's down the the street from the school I used to teach at and near The Mister's old mail route. He used to jog the 1.3 miles around this lake during his break time back in the day. We used to bring our classes here for our end of the year picnic. Lots of memories here. 

The Baby Grand was happy to see us (mostly Pup) and fun to play with for a few hours. 

He's been practicing being a big brother to be with a baby doll so I brought the little quilt I just finished for the addition due in November to wrap him in. Baby Grand was more interested in his little cars than the baby. 

We drove through several thunderstorms on our way home and lots of traffic so the pizza I had picked up from their local pizza place was good and cold by the time I got around to eating it. I like cold pizza so I made short work of the little thing before I hit the couch. As usual, that little guy wore me out. 


  1. I don't have grandchildren but I know that babysitting would wear me out. It makes me wonder how we managed to raise our own kids, but I guess we were much younger and more energetic.

  2. Nice to be able to help out, isn't it?! Sure does take the wind out of your sails, though! Nice to admire the memory lane stop--

  3. Grands tend to do that, I hear. :)

  4. I know you enjoyed the time spent with your little grand. Love his baby in the quilt even if he wasn't too interested. :-) How fun that you were able to stop by your old stomping grounds. It looks like a lovely place.
    Blessings and hugs,
