Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


I've got a knitting theme going on this week and it's not good. Here's my twin Pairfects right before....

....I realized I had started the heel in the wrong place for the color change and had to rip them both out. No fun there. 

Don't even get me started on the blobs. Lots of ripping out with them this week too. For every inch I knit I seem to have to rip back two. No fun there either. new ever blooming azalea has finally decided to show off and it's really pretty. I had no idea they even existed and now I want more. 


  1. I'm sorry to see the backwards unprogress made in knitting this week. I hope things work out better during the next week. But at least you've got lovely blossoms to console you. Azaleas in August are a rarity!

  2. An ever blooming azalea sounds wonderful...and so pretty. Sorry your knitting has not been cooperating this week...we've all been there.

  3. Those beautiful blooms almost make up for all the ripping out. Almost.

  4. I've had those days. I just try to power through. Series recommendation for you: Borgen on Netflix. It's Danish with dubbing that is not annoying, and a really good storyline.

  5. Mercury is in Retrograde, so I'd blame that for your knitting issues
    Love your Azalea - I have one, and I can barely get her to grow well - I'm not even hopefully for blooms at this point

  6. Your azalea is gorgeous. It's such a vibrant color. Your poor knitting. Frogging is awful. I started a baby blanket a few days ago and had to rip it back too. I had it to almost 17 inches square. The colors of your socks are wonderful though and you'll soon have them back where you want them.

  7. Bummer on the ripping out but you know it is part of the journey. The azalea is gorgeous!!!!
