Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


I'm coming down the buttonhole side of the front band on one of the gray blobs. I bought this doo hickey to help me space the holes evenly since I'm pretty bad at it. I hope it works. 

The other gray blob has its ribbing back in order after the big ripping it suffered. I started the icord bind off again and got a few inches in but it looks terrible. I'm going to rip it out and try it again. 

The poor Pairfect travel socks were not getting much attention so I picked them up and worked on them during the Closing Ceremony. 

I'm at the place where I'm supposed to start the heel. Aren't they fabulous? you want to see what happens when you forget to manage your Amazon subscriptions? They send you everything-all at once. Oh, my....I have no idea where I'm going to put all this stuff. I already have too much of everything. 


  1. I had no idea that such a buttonhole doohickey existed. I rarely knit sweaters so I don't think I need one, but I hope it works for you. I thought my husband ordered a lot of stuff from Amazon, but you've got him beat!

  2. The socks are stunning!! Glad you picked them up to work on them! The knitting is so close to the finish line!

  3. Ooh, I love how the yarn is striping! Great tool for buttonhole placement.

  4. Thank you! I found one of those doohickeys in my stash of stuff, and now I know what it is!! Nice socks.

  5. The socks are delightful! Says the woman who occasionally looks in the pantry and says "why do I have eight bottles of Downy?"

  6. The socks are fun! I've never seen that buttonhole thingy before...hope it works for you.
