Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday Fluff


August really came in with a bang around here. It's HOT. I'm actually glad to be inside putting down floors. I don't want to go anywhere. 

I didn't have much time this week to do much of anything but I did finish plying the Cormo/Silk blend. I chain plied it to keep the colors together and it looks better than I expected. Being Cormo it's really soft. It could be something for around the neck. I'll have to think on it. 

The drop spindle spun Merino is loaded up on the Ladybug. It was a bit tricky transferring all those singles onto the bobbins but I got it done. I'm not touching them until I can catch my breath. Too much work went into those singles to not give them some undivided attention. 

I'm still working on plying that cotton. It's not an unpleasant task, I just can't find the time. When I finally sit for the day, I'm tired. Too tired to be fooling with much of anything right now. 



  1. The fibers will be beautiful yarns soon enough--you've persevered through all of the manual labor to make them!

  2. Those are some cute socks you're wearing!

  3. The Cormo/Silk is spectacular! I go weak over shades of purple.

  4. Beautiful looking yarns you have there Debbie. I was going to suggest that with all of your experience, you and The Mister could hire yourself out for flooring & trim installation and painting, but I have a feeling you would pop through the computer and strangle me! :-)
    Stay cool my friend. I can sympathize with you as it's still really hot here too.
    Blessings and hugs,
