Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


The second border is finished on the Autumn Patchwork. That branch didn't stand a chance this week. I used a Post it to mark my rows. 

Poor Peter only had some grass stitched on. It wasn't the week for mindful stitching.

I only got one Dear Jane blocks finished. I've got the pieces ready for another but not the will to sew them on

Yesterday the sports silence was too deafening so The Mister went looking and found.....Le Tour de France Femmes to keep our minds busy while our hands are doing boring trim work downstairs. I guess I need to go find something to spin. Right now my wheels are sitting empty.


  1. Congrats on the nice progress on Autumn Patchwork - it looks great!

  2. Love the squirrels on the border branches!

  3. I didn't even know there was a TDF for the ladies!

  4. Everything looks tremendous!

  5. The trim work is sapping your creative juices! Try some stamping...
