Monday, August 19, 2024

Sweet Summer


I'm not the only one enjoying this milder summer weather. My new little rose actually put out a bloom that didn't immediately wither and die. 

For the first time in forever I've got things in flower all over the front yard. 

Here's another sign of fall, my wild purple asters are ready to pop. They don't usually show up until late September. 

My Black Eyed Susans are still hanging in there. They put on quite the show this year. I've got them in a pot and it may be time to put them in the ground so they can spread out. 

I put some impatiens in between the hostas and some survived. I'm going to be moving a lot of these hostas come late fall so next year I'll have more room for flowers.

This was an experimental year seeing that we have a lot more sun since my neighbor cut all her trees down last year. I have pots of different annuals along the sidewalk to see what can live in my yard. Everything looked terrible up until the weather changed for the better. Now they look promising. 

I even got a portulaca to live in a lava rock we used to have in our aquarium. We spent most of our summer working on the downstairs but next year it will be the front yard that gets the makeover. I've got plans. 


  1. Beautiful flowers! I had a couple portulacas reseed in the front garden - our winters can be too harsh for the seeds to make it through winter, but if they find a sheltered spot, they will sometimes come back.

    I would definitely get the Susans in the ground as soon as you can. The plant only lives two years - and the year they flower is their last year. So you want it to reseed where you plant it, or you won't have any plants next year.

  2. Lovely flowers! You must have a green thumb!

  3. Moss roses are one of my favorite flowers, but they are difficult to find in nurseries at this altitude.

  4. Wow! Kind of like spring all over again at your house!

  5. I think I remember what "cooler" means... It's been so long.

    What pretty, pretty flowers!

  6. Beautiful flowers! It was a rough summer for our plants. The kudzu and poison ivy are about the only thing that survived the heat this year.

  7. Don't the flowers look great! How nice to have milder weather to enjoy them!
