Sunday, August 25, 2024

Charming Stars


I get up early every morning. Around 5 am. Why? Because I have a kitty alarm clock that goes off then and I can never get back to sleep. The mornings have been chilly so I had The Mister fill up some boxes with wood so I could have a fire on the deck if I felt like it. 

I love to fix a cup of tea and sit out in the quiet.

It was also a good opportunity to take Charming Star's mugshot. It's now a done deal and I have to say I loved working on it so much that I miss it. I'm tempted to start another. 

It's an easy peasy pie pattern that uses charm squares and you know how much I love charm squares. I've got a million of them.

This one was made from the leftovers from a big Disappearing Nine Patch I made for Son in 2013. I had a whole box of leftovers from it but now I don't. One box down. Many more to go. The fabric stash is finally going in the right direction.


  1. Your fire looks so cozy and welcoming. I'd love to join you there for a cup of tea. The quilt turned out beautiful and it models so well by the fire. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. What a beautiful morning ritual. I was picturing an actual alarm clock in the shape of a cat and then thought 'why doesn't she just turn OFF the alarm?" but then I slowly figured it out LOL DOH!

  3. It looks fantastic! A cool morning with a warm fire sounds wonderful - sadly, it's too hot here for that!

  4. That is a nice way to start your morning. Charming Stars is beautiful!

  5. The early morning fire would be so relaxing-a nice start to the day! I never used to wake up at 5am but I do now! lol The quilt is a super finish! We will miss you working on it, too!
