Sunday, August 4, 2024



Lots of good food. Lots of laughs. It was a very good day. I hope there are some good movies to watch today because I'm not getting up off this couch.

And....someone asked me why I was such a fan of the Scrub family. Besides being so darn cute, it's the versatility. When they are dry or in cold water they are very rigid and when you put them in hot water they soften up. They are also two sided with a layer of soft foam on the back.  That let's you clean all kinds of different types of crud with just one scrubby. They also dry really fast so they don't sit there and get all funky. Now I want the entire family....

....including the Halloween special editions. I gotta have that pumpkin.


  1. We are going to WalMart after church today and I am going to look for the scrubbies!!! lol
    The family gathering looks like it was a huge success!

  2. It looks as though there was plenty of crabby food! What a mess, but a good mess. :-) It's so hot again today. We've been in hot weather warning for well over a week now. Before that we had them when we were Spokane. I just took Zoey out for a 10 minute walk around the field behind the condo and now my hair is soaking wet. I don't plan to go anywhere else unless it's in the A/C car.

  3. LOL on the scrubbies. I hope your garbage gets picked up soon!

  4. OMG! I gotta go find the Halloween collection. I love my Scrubbies. Never noticed the hot/cold water thing though. I'm going to have to go test that out.
