Saturday, August 3, 2024

Scrub a Dub Dub


Today my siblings and I are getting together to do this so.......

...yesterday I spent the day helping my sister do this. She inherited our dad's faulty infrastructure and since I'm still bendy I volunteered to do the floors in preparation for the get together. I killed her Scrub Daddy so I'm bringing her a replacement as a thank you for hosting the event. I'm new to the whole Scrub family trend but I have to admit that they are worth every penny. I love my Scrub Mommy. 


  1. That looks so good. I hope you have lots of fun and good food. I have never used any of the scrubby family. Can you tell us what makes them so good over other scrubbies?
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Boy, I remember when I was bendy...

  3. Enjoy those crabs (and family time too)!

  4. I figured that the Scrub family was just another bunch of sponges but I may have to give them a try. At the very least they look cheerful!

  5. The crabs look delicious! I must admit, I've never heard of Scrub Daddy or Mommy! lol

  6. Hmmm. - I've seen those scrubbys at Canadian Tire, but now I might just have to try them!
