Thursday, August 15, 2024

Take a Hike


After weeks of 90 degree temperatures, a week in the 80's is a big relief. It's time to open some windows and get outside for a bit. 

This used to be just a short path in the woods but the boy scouts have made it a fancy walking trail perfect for little dogs and old folks.

You start off in the wetlands, go over a bridge and come out in a shady pine forest. 

I've never seen so many perfect pine cones and so many. I've got to go back with a bag. I want some. 

One pine tree had a pretty plaque declaring it the county and town champion.

Not sure why. It looked like any other pine tree to me. 

What I was most interested in were the leaves on certain trees that were already turning a brilliant red. Do they know something we don't? An early fall maybe? Wouldn't that be nice. 


  1. What a lovely place for a walk. I've already seen some leaves turning....Fall is coming!

  2. I don't know if it's true, but I always take the early-turning leaves as a sign that fall is just around the corner. We deserve it after this summer!

  3. A walk in comfortable temps would be a very nice walk! Looks so pretty along the trail!

  4. i've noticed a fair bit of red on the leaves here too!

  5. Some leaves are turning color here, too. I could definitely smell Fall on the air last night.

  6. Beautiful photos--so glad you got out!

  7. I used to collect pine cones, but when I came across a box one day, I couldn't remember why!

    BTW, you and I seem to have similar preferences in eating. Folded chips for the win!
