Monday, August 5, 2024



I'm doing something different today. I usually post about things I've been doing but today I'm posting about things that I haven't done. Sundays are usually my days to play but The Mister incurred my wrath by suggesting we get a head start on tomorrow's floor laying. Grrrr.....instead of getting that binding on Charmed Stars I moved furniture around and listened to endless prattling about trim. 

In spite of being up by 3:30 yesterday morning I didn't get to touch the Sock Yarn Scarf but I did get a lot of laundry done. 

I usually hide in the sewing room on Sunday afternoons. That's where Spiral Chicken resides. I never got there but I did get the piano moved and the laundry folded and put away.

Ditto for the table runner I've been hand quilting. I'll do a few of the hexies from time to time but not yesterday. When I did have a minute of quiet I found myself staring at the clouds going past the skylights in the living area. I didn't exactly hit a wall but I was darn close. And it all starts again today.


  1. Good luck! Geeze it is awful hot and sticky here.

  2. I hope you can get a lot accomplished today on the floor so you can finish up sooner rather than later!!!!

  3. Hoping today everything goes smoothly.

  4. You may not have crafted but you get a medal for doing the laundry and putting it away on the same day! Congratulations!

  5. All the things you haven't touched, still look amazing!

  6. The laundry got done! Yippee! I enjoyed seeing Spiral Chicken too.
