Saturday, August 17, 2024

Planes, Trains and Automobiles


Now that the trim is mostly down, we are spending our days putting everything back where it belongs. The Mister not only has a collection of albums that has to be dealt with, he also has two bookcases of models that he's made over the years. 

I've been taking them down and cleaning them one by one. They were a dusty mess. Don't tell The Mister but more than a few of them are missing some delicate parts now. 

I really don't understand why he doesn't use super glue on them instead of model glue which I think leaves a lot to be desired. 

I was careful with the Mini. It looks just like my dearly departed one. 

I used to hate the things but now that the room is coming together they don't look too bad on either side of the wood stove. That's his collection of CD's next to them. We have two shelves of those also. 

Next up is getting those albums out of their crates but don't tell Louise. She's taken to sleeping on them. She's in for a rude awakening, I'm afraid. 


  1. We have lots of CDs and albums, too! Love that little Louise.

  2. The new shelves make the models and cd's look so much better--good job on the cleaning and organizing!!!

  3. Oh poor Louise,soon to lose her cozy bed. Apropos of nothing, I had a bunny named Louise!

  4. I bet he never notices the missing parts! Poor Louise, but I bet she'll find another place to sleep (of course she will; she's a cat).

  5. I strongly recommend decorating around Louise. She is too beautiful to be disturbed.

  6. Oh.... those models are giving me PTSD now!!! One day I'll show all the models Dave has made (he does ships - tall ships, ocean liners, and battleships). And let me just say - it was NOT fun moving them all here - especially with him hovering over me every second. Model glue definitely breaks down over time, and those plastic parts get a lot more brittle too!
