Monday, August 26, 2024

Spooky Town


When we put up the cabinets over the washer and dryer we had 12 more inches that we could squeeze another one in so we went and picked up one. 

Before we could get to the cabinets we had to walk through the Halloween display. It wasn't there when we went a couple of weeks ago. 

I couldn't believe how BIG these things are. Some of them are 12 feet tall. The Mister and I had way too much fun pushing their buttons and bringing them to life. 

I have no idea when the second season of Wednesday is happening but they had a whole Wednesday section with shelves of cool stuff. 

I couldn't convince The Mister that we needed any of it. I couldn't convince him to bring home any of these gorgeous little Crepe Myrtles either. My front yard looks awful ever since my neighbor razed the little forest she had growing back there. I am itching to fill our bit of it back in but The Mister says no-we have to finish the downstairs first. Sigh....


  1. We noticed that to when we were at Lowes last week. I did notice Hobby Lobby has had Christmas out for at least a month!

  2. I don't go to a lot of stores, but when I have there has been a ton of Halloween stuff out for weeks. It's too early!!

  3. Those things are huge and creepy, except for Wednesday. She's kind of cute!

  4. Downstairs first?! That's no fun. The extra shelf/cabinet will be a very good thing!

  5. There's never enough time for all the projects, is there?

  6. Oh man - I hope Dave doesn't see that Wednesday... he's totally in love with her. He currently wants a Victor and Emily (Corpse Bride) animatronic for the yard

  7. There's one house back in our neighborhood whose front yard is always jammed with Halloween stuff. I don't think they do that much for Christmas!

  8. Oh my gosh! I need Wednesday! As for the crepe myrtles, I want to line my driveway with them. Well, I really want to line it with hydrangeas but they need too much water and we'd need a gazillion more hoses to reach so....
