Monday, August 12, 2024

A Little Static


I made the mistake of looking at yarn the other night and somehow these two jumped in my cart. The fault lies with Lasagna Cat on the left. How could you NOT buy a yarn called Lasagna Cat? It could be my fall sock knit but I know I won't be done with the twins by them. The other one is Gummiberry. Who doesn't love a good gummi? is going to be a very quiet day around here. First it was the TdF keeping me and The Mister company for three weeks while we worked away on our downstairs projects. Then it was the Olympics. All day. Every day. Now I'm sad. 

The closing ceremony always gives me all the feels. Merci Paris, bien joué. I loved every minute. 



  1. Those new skeins of yarn are gorgeous!!!

  2. I'm a sucker for clever yarn names and those are both pretty good. The closing ceremonies looked like quite an extravaganza!

  3. And I didn't watch a minute of any of it!! lol I hope this week will see a close to your downstairs Reno!!!

  4. I was eyeing that Lasagna Cat the other day, but I managed to resist.. seeing it again though.. I feel my resolve weakening!

  5. What a silly question. Of COURSE you had to buy "Lasagna Cat"!
