Sunday, August 11, 2024

Jumping the Gun


It's still hot and humid out. When I open the door, the air that greets me is not pleasant. Nonetheless, I've had an urge to make soup. Hot soup. My brain is saying summer but my tummy is saying fall. I love to throw some soup in the slow cooker and let it simmer all day. I made a new to me soup on Friday. It's called Soup Beans and it's very simple but very tasty. 

We've been downstairs tackling trim during the day so having dinner ready when we are done for the day is a blessing. Yesterday I made split pea with a pan of roasted vegetables. My favorite cold weather meal.

And...if you want to see what Debby did to our little beach town, just look at all that mud. In my photo it looks like snow but I assure you it's mud. On Friday that road was under water during high tide. That truck unloaded a lot of little machine thingys that are trying to scrape it all up. Good luck with that. It's a real mess.


  1. It's good to listen to your stomach when you crave some food or other! The soup looks great!

  2. So grateful for those people who go out and try to get it all cleaned up.

  3. I hope your soups herald some cooler weather; I would sure welcome it! Cooler weather cooking is my favorite so I'm looking forward to some delicious crockpot soup and bread.

  4. Slow cookers are the best for just that reason! I think I'll throw a roast in mine tomorrow morning!
