Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


One more border box done on the spring patchwork project and one more to go. I'm going back to autumn this week because I have the attention span of a gnat these days.

It's been slow going on Peter Rabbit. I did conquer the shovel and the little bird that sits on it. 

I finished putting the lattices on the last two blocks of row C so I laid Dear Jane out to see how it's going. I'm not sure where I'll stop. There are 10 more rows to be done but that's NEVER going to happen. I guess I'll keep going until I run out of material. That sounds like a plan.


  1. Such pretty stitching. I love the little bird on the shovel!

  2. At first I thought the bird was a flame and Peter's shovel was on fire. (I may need more caffeine.) it's lovely stitching!

  3. There's a lot of work done here, and it is all beautiful!

  4. Go until you can't --- that IS a plan!

  5. Dear Jane is looking great! I adore the Spring Sampler.

  6. Beautiful stitching! I like the bird who is looking up where Peter will emerge!
