Sunday, September 1, 2024

It's Always Something


We've got our work cut out for us. Remember when we spent the early summer re-doing the ceiling downstairs? Years ago the upstairs shower sprung a leak and we had a large spot to repair. We scraped and spackled and painted it and thought that was that. 

But after all that, the spot returned. A big spot. It turns out it wasn't that isolated shower incident. We have a leak. If you look in that hole you can see it and all the rotted wood from it. What a mess.

That means that we have to rush to finish the downstairs because we are going to have to rip out the bathroom upstairs that we had just re-did before The Mister's hip and knee surgeries. The tile has to come up and the plywood subfloor is going to have to be replaced and lots of repair plumbing done. 

Now I have a trash bag duct taped on the ceiling of my nearly finished family room's always something. 


  1. And this something sounds awful! I dread plumbing leaks and wish you all the best with this one and the bathroom ripping up.

  2. Oof, sorry about that. This is a LOT!

  3. I would be so bummed! So much for the near finish. Well, it is better to find it sooner rather than much later!

  4. Honestly, home-owning isn't all it's cracked up to be.

  5. Oh Deb, I'm so sorry. Plumbing is the worst. Just when you think it's taken care of, boom! It comes back to haunt you again.
    Blessings and big hugs,

  6. You always have such interesting projects, but plumbing issues are not one of them. Sorry to hear about this issue, and I hope you get it resolved quickly!
