Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Lost Weekend


I could have been here yesterday but instead....

...I was doing this. Whatever I did to my back was 100% worse on Saturday. I could barely get out of bed to go eat something so I could take another handful of OTC pain killers. The Mister went to the end of the year beach celebration without me and I stayed home in misery. I'm not very good at doing nothing but there wasn't a choice. There was no way I was going to work through this level of pain. My old body was making that pretty darn clear. 


  1. SO sorry. Wish there were something I could do to help you.

  2. Oh no! I hope you were at least able to knit or keep your hands busy! And I hope today brought some relief!

  3. Oh I am soooo sorry. Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. Who are they kidding when they talk about the "golden" years?! Sending LOTS of good thoughts in your direction...

  4. Oh no, back injuries are horrible. I do hope you have had a better day today.

  5. A castor oil pack while you are sleeping should help. I have all my adult patients use Tiger Balm, it is much better than other balms for pain. Hope you feel better, sore backs are no joke!
