Sunday, September 8, 2024



Years ago, when the internet was new and blogs were not a thing, I had an email pen pal. Her name was Pauline and she lived in Monteral. She wrote in french and I wrote in english so we could improve our language skills. She was a knitter at a time when I was not knitting anymore. 

One Christmas she sent me a pair of slippers she had made out of the weirdest yarn I had ever seen. It was Phentex. It is made of something called olefin and is related to plastic. I loved those slippers and wanted to make a pair for everyone I knew but that yarn was not a thing here in the USA. When I finally found a source, I bought an awful lot of it as you can see from the first photo. 

I did make one pair of those slippers for myself and wore them to death but I never did make another pair. I found that giant stash of Phentex when I was cleaning out the craft room on Friday. I do recall that those slippers are not as easy to make as it would seem but I just may have to give it another try. What else am I going to do with that big bin of plastic yarn?


  1. Plastic yarn sounds like it might be good for rugs!

  2. You could try making a door mat! I saw this cute free pattern:

  3. OMG. Core memory unlocked. Phentex slippers were a thing ALL us had as kids. Grandma's just couldn't stop making them. I still cringe at the thought of the feel of them!

  4. Back in early 70s I learned to crochet using that crap. I didn’t know any better and it was cheap. Anyways I made bags for anyone who wanted them. Little over shoulder dirty bags. Bucket bags. Messenger bags. You name it. They never wore out or faded. I’m sure they still live in a landfill today. Not sure what I’d do today. Probably one nostalgic bag and chuck the rest as I don’t have enough time left for crap yarn. Just saying
    Cheryl aka seajaes on ravelry

  5. I do remember that yarn!!! The new slippers are going to be pretty!

  6. I've never heard of that particular yarn but I do remember some plasticy yarn from the 70's and 80's. I can't stand to use it. Every once in awhile I'll see it on FB Marketplace and shudder. Have fun with the slippers!
    Blessings and hugs,
