Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


One more season down, two to go. Patchwork Printemps by Jardin Prive is finally done. I'll be back to working on fall this week hopefully for another big finish. 

Back in the sewing room, Peter Rabbit saw no love this week. Music Amongst the Trees didn't either. I had high hopes for this one this summer but nothing came of it. 

It was the floss that did me in. This is a very old project from back when I was a real newbie and I thought this was the best way to organize floss for a project. It is most certainly NOT. I do use the little cards but only for a few strands at a time so you can pull them off without a tangled mess. It's been put in time out until next spring when I'll be more motivated to straighten this mess out. 

In its place I pulled out Matter's Choice. It's stitched in all black. After fighting all those colors all summer I am more than happy about that. 

I didn't get a finish on a Dear Jane block this week. D3, which is called Jason's Jacks, is another applique job and I forgot I needed to put the lattice on first so I can pull out the big center paper piece. 

And....we've been having wonderfully cool mornings here. Chilly, in fact, so I thought some hot cereal might be a good idea. I usually use a saucepan for Cream of Wheat but thought I would give the microwave a try. Won't be doing that again. 


  1. Your finished Spring is lovely and the all-black house will make a nice change. Have fun cleaning the wallpaper paste out of your microwave. :/

  2. LOL - I so hate cleaning up microwave messes. Congrats o your Spring finish - it's lovely. And I have completely forgotten about Matter's Choice - that's a good one for Fall stitching.

  3. Great job on the Spring Sampler! Matter’s Choice is elegant all in black.

  4. Great finish! And I love all the other projects too. I never know the best way to do floss! I want it when I want it in an easy to get format but I don't think that exists!!

  5. I have loved the Spring samper the entire time you've worked on it. Just beautiful. Matters Choice is very classy but I think the black would do my eyes in.
    I've been working on Christmas ornaments. I have to cross-stitch seven "fronts" and then make them into the ornaments. So far I have about 2 stitched and another about 3/4 done. Lots yet to go.
    I've done that more than once in the microwave. Thank goodness the glass plates come out to clean up. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I love Matter's House- so simple with the one colour but so beautiful!

    Cream of Wheat always makes me think of my Mom. She's the only person I know who likes it! Lol. I'm an oatmeal girl! (with LOTS of brown sugar)
