Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday WIPs: Pucker Up

The last of the Gray Blobs has had a very bad week. I was cruising to the finish line when I thought I'd better try it on Dumpy Debbie, my dress form. Oh, dear. I see a problem. 

Here's a closeup of the ugly pucker. One side looks perfect and the other side does not. It seems I didn't pick up the right amount of stitches. I had to rip the front band all the way to the marker. 

Making things worse, stupid me had the big idea to weave in all the ends around the button holes so they couldn't be unraveled. They had to be cut. As bad as all this was, I now have to play yarn chicken with the amount of yarn that I have left. So far, I have had to rip it back twice to get that V neck section to lay right. My first attempt led to waffling of the band. Ugh.

Of course I am kicking myself for not checking on it sooner but this is how Dumpy Debbie usually looks. She's a very convenient receptacle for all of my grime guards and other things. No more. I'm trying the Gray Blob on after every few inches to make sure I don't have any more surprises.  


  1. I'm so sorry about your sweater. There must be something in the air. I finished the yoke on mine and started to separate the sleeves.... and found I was 115 stitches short. Argh!!!

  2. Oh no! That had to be so frustrating. I've been there in unraveling the band and it's definitely NOT fun. Here's to smooth sailiing from here on out.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Oh, no! The right side looks so nice and pucker-free, but I'm sorry about the other side. And I'm also sorry that you decided to be so efficient and weave in the ends. There may be some sort of lesson here!

  4. Well, that is a bummer!!! At least you can fix it, yes, you can!!!!!

  5. Oh no yardage chicken is not my favourite game at an all. Fingers crossed you have enough....
