Thursday, September 26, 2024

Coastal Flooding


The Chesapeake Bay hasn't been playing nice this week. We've been under one alert after another warning about high water and flooding. A county on the eastern shore even had to close schools.

The Weather Channel said it's because of some wind event happening out in the ocean pushing the water into places it shouldn't be. That's the parking lot of the marina, not Fisherman's Creek. 

Watching people try to put their boats in has been fun. Those orange poles are where the boat ramp is. You have to wade through the parking lot to get to it. 

I got soaked on the boardwalk. The water was being pushed up through the decking like little fountains. It's supposed to calm down today and all that extra water should go back to where it belongs.

I know it's been a mess but I'm kind of sorry to see it go. There's something about the bay that is exciting when it's being wild and dangerous. It lets you know who's really in charge. 


  1. Great photos! The weather seems to be interesting everywhere. I hope this is the worst you get. I'm a bit concerned myself about you being in the path of something bill. Lide a hurricane.

  2. Flooding is never good if it's your house or you're trying to launch a boat in the parking lot, but sometimes we need a reminder of who is really in charge.

  3. I like the glimpse into the less than calm marina!! Our schools are closed and everyone is hunkering down for H.Helene! I'm safe in bed watching out my window!
