Thursday, September 12, 2024

Stolen Minutes

Watching the sun come up over my fire was the high point of my day. 

The rest of the day was filled with tedious jobs that should be easy but never are. We got the new hall light up.

It took a lot of bad language to get the closet door in my craft room hung. It came packaged with the wrong size top track so it was a good thing we had kept the old one. Today I'll be painting all the new doors.

While The Mister was doing his pre-job fussing and fuming I sat down and worked on Spiral Chicken for a few minutes. She's living downstairs now which makes sense because that's where all the wool is. 

She's sharing a table with my card crafting things. I had made these gnomes the other day and while The Mister fretted over the door measurements, I went about trying to come up with an arrangement I liked. I didn't. It usually takes me a few tries before I get a card I like well enough to mass produce. In the meantime, I'll just make a pile of gnomes. 



  1. At least the gnome-making might make you smile even if the home renovations do not!

  2. What a great way to welcome the day - a warm fire, a comfy chair and a cup of tea.

  3. "Pile" is the official term, I'm guessing? ;)
