Thursday, September 19, 2024

Big Shot


The Mister and I got our Covid and flu shots yesterday. The folks I know that have Covid right now are NOT having a good time. They scared me into action earlier in the year than I normally start thinking about these things. 

This time around we went to our grocery store and got them. We were the only ones there. The Mister came home with a couple of pounds of shrimp and some sushi and I came home with these. They are not as good as the Wawa's apple cider donuts but they weren't exactly terrible either. 

While I'm laid up for a couple of days from the shots, The Mister is going to finish putting some vinyl tile down in the little utility closet under the stairs. Those shots never bother him in the least but I'll feel like death for at least 48 hours. It's still better than having Covid. The fall variant is pretty nasty, disguising itself as a stomach bug before it hits you with the rest of its ugly self. Nobody needs that. 


  1. Those shots knock me back, too. Hope you are doing as well as you can.

  2. I got my flu shot yesterday and will get the Covid booster in October. I never get them together. Hope you feel fine soon!

  3. I hope you don't feel too bad for too long. I will be getting my shots in early October, and I like your idea of rewarding yourself with donuts!
