Thursday, September 5, 2024

Purple Haze


On one of our many trips to the local hardware store, we were given a purple bag with a purple light bulb inside it. There was also an invitation to the Glow Vigil that was to be held at the beach on the 31st of August. 

We've made good use of our purple light but we didn't make it to the vigil and the unveiling of some new things at the koi pond. There now is a permanent memorial to those loved ones lost from an overdose. Behind it is a big stainless steel sculpture called The Big Hug that honors those still struggling with addiction issues. 

While I was wandering around taking photos I noticed I was being watched from above. An eagle was keeping an eye on the place or maybe, more likely, keeping an eye on the koi fish. There aren't as many as there used to be. 

We went back last night to see the place lit up. 

The newly installed lighting had the place all aglow in a melancholy haze. 

I thought of all the names on the memorial and what it must have felt like for the families to walk through here the night of the vigil. Then I thanked my lucky stars I wasn't one of them. 


  1. What a beautiful tribute for those who experienced such tragedy.

  2. Beauty, heartache, glory and loss all in one post. What a world.

  3. That is a beautiful tribute and a place for the families to all come and spend some time when they need too. How sad that such a place is necessary.
    I'm sorry I'm so late to visit tonight. We came home from camping this afternoon and have been running ever since. It's been a "day" with Mom.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. A lovely tribute for such a heartbreaking issue.

  5. Wow! That's moving. Got a little teary eyed.
