Saturday, September 7, 2024

No Place Like Gnome


I've got some more desk shelves and a paper storage unit on their way here but I did make some headway yesterday working with what I have. We got the shades up-no fun there and my storage rack up on the wall. We also got the doors back on. It's all starting to make more sense to me-work wise but it leaves a lot to be desired in appearance. I'll just have to learn to live with the jumble. After all, it is my jumble. 

After a morning of work, The Mister wanted to go to the dump and then cut grass so I took a quiet minute to dig out the new stamp sets I bought a while back for this year's Christmas cards. As you can see, I have a theme going. 

All summer long I've been obsessed with watching the videos of Crawly the green wizard gnome when I can't sleep at night-which seems to be every night anymore so I thought this year we would do green gnomes for our cards. Hopefully, I'll have the room put back in working order by then.


  1. I know how that feels-not being able to sleep. Hopefully it will pass for you too.

  2. What's the deal with window treatments? I nearly killed myself hanging the blinds in my bedroom.

  3. Exciting about having your room back!!! No, I have never heard of the 'green' gnome. The cards will be cute, though!

  4. You have a plan which is the most important. I think your gnome stamps are adorable. I'm now working on the ornaments that I make each year for each grand and kid couple. So seven in all. Usually I have them done by now and I just began cross-stitching the first one last night. I'm usually done shopping by now too and I only have a few things so far. Yikes. I have to be done by Thanksgiving when our London kids come home. We celebrate both holidays with them then and give all the kids their ornaments so they can put them on the tree. I'm behind, way behind. I've been having too much fun making other things.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Well you know I'm going to love the gnome theme!
