Friday, September 6, 2024

Reality Bites


The whole time we were working on updating my craft room I had visions of a pristine space with everything neatly tucked away or artfully displayed. You know what I'm talking about. We've all seen rooms like that and thought they were possible. What I got was this.  Mismatched furniture and piles of junk. Too much stuff in too little of a room. This isn't even the soap side which is even worse. I worked all day emptying boxes with no place to put anything. Back to the drawing board. I see a trip to Ikea in my future. 


  1. You just need a bit more storage. Maybe some wall cabinets or shelves. Creative people like you need lots of "stuff". I always envision a tidy craft room too, but it never happens. I'm looking forward to what you come up with.

  2. Definitely more storage room so your counter tops can be near cleared--you know what to do!

  3. I'll agree with Betsy on the wall cabinets and shelves--I think that would help a lot! My 'craft room' is a wide hallway and I can't put anything on the floor so I'm envying your floor!

  4. I'll only have one of those fancy clean craft rooms when I win the lottery and can pay someone to go in an clean up after me... lol
