Saturday, September 21, 2024

Like Magic


48 hours after those nasty jabs and I was back working with The Mister downstairs. All those horrible flu like side effects just disappear as do those sore arms. It's so weird how that works. I have to confess that The Mister was working and I was playing in the room next door. We're still putting down the closet flooring and it's a one person job since it's so narrow a space. I did the prep work and he puts down the floor. From time to time I have to fetch things but other than that I had a good time with Spiral Chicken.

At the moment she's sitting on my soap table. I also took some time to take inventory and order what I needed to make soap again. I even splurged and bought myself a new scale, a new thermometer and a splat mat to protect the new flooring. I should be back in business as soon as everything gets here.

Earlier in the week, my desk shelf arrived so I could finally sort out my art materials and clear up some work space. 

I also spent a few minutes trying out more arrangements for this year's card. I think I like this one but The Mister has veto power since it's really his project so we'll have to see how that goes. 

Speaking of The Mister, while I was laid up with my back and then the jab miseries, he finished his latest paint by number....

....and that wooden octopus puzzle. You should have heard the language he was using when he was working on it. Imagine my surprise when he said he wanted me to buy him another one like it. Apparently he enjoys a good challenge. 

1 comment:

  1. So much fun here today. I always enjoy seeing Spiral Chicken. She'll be done before you know it. Your work space is looking great and the card is really cute. Hope The Mister approves. Did he ever finish a diamond painting? If I remember right, he really didn't care for it did he? And finally, that octopus puzzle looks really hard. I can't believe he wants another one!
    Blessings and hugs,
