Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


The sock siblings are done. I let them marinate for a few days before I even thought about starting their mates.

Green was up first and I didn't have a great deal of trouble figuring out how much of that green I needed for the ribbing BUT that first color repeat almost did me in. Look at it. It pooled. Instead of gentle ripples I got dots. Big. Red. Dots. 

I had to rip that section out and do it again with a smaller needle hoping to break up the pooling. I was semi successful. I didn't get exactly what I wanted but it was better than those awful dots. 

All that drama took place on the very same day I spent hours trying to figure out how to make buttonholes in a double knit front band. There's several ways and I wanted to do the one where you didn't have to cut and weave in a lot of ends but that didn't happen. I did manage a buttonhole that fits the button so I'll consider it a win instead of a surrender. 

And....someone asked me to formally introduce the autumn patchwork since I forgot to give the details yesterday. It's from Jardin Prive and it's part of a patchwork series that includes, Printemps (spring), Ete (summer), Automne and Hiver (winter). I get them from 123 Stitch. There are many more in the patchwork series and I am so tempted. I have just an itty bit to finish on Hiver and then I just may give myself permission to buy another.


  1. The sock siblings are off to a good start and the sweater looks almost finished. And wow, those samplers really look great all together. Just a few bits of winter and then they all deserve framing and a place on the wall!

  2. Hope the sock works out!! Nice to see the four patchworks together. What is the finished size of them?

    1. They are each about 10 inches by 10 inches square on 18 count Aida.

  3. I hate it when the second sock doesn't behave like the first for NO reason!

    Love seeing all the Patchworks together!

  4. There's so much to like here. First off, I wouldn't have known to change needle size and just would have been majoring frustrated. Good for you in knowing how to fix it! Then the button band and hole are perfect. I'm impressed.
    And those seasons. I have no words. I'm so tempted. So tempted. How big are they? Could you frame all four seasons together in one frame or are they too big? Wowzers. I love them.
    We had a rainstorm last night and went to sleep with a nice gentle rain on the roof of the trailer. This morning it's 51F and windy. We're hanging out here being lazy for awhile before doing some touristy stuff.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Wow, the seasonal samplers look fantastic!

  6. Thanks for posting them all! I took a gander at them yesterday at 123 and put them on my wishlist.
