Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


This was a slow week for stitching first because of the jabs and then because I had an emergency to take care of that was sitting on my stitching table. I'll go into details tomorrow. Right now it's still touch and go.

Peter Rabbit got another grid square finished. That's his nose and mouth even though it doesn't look like it yet. 

Matter's Choice has another bird and a bug. 

Dear Jane got sorted but not covered or put together. Oh, well. It was a crazy week. Hopefully this one will be calmer. 


  1. We all have days and weeks like that. i think you still got a lot done. I hope you're feeling much better from the shots now.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. There is a movie on Amazon Prime called Miss Potter. She was the author of Peter Rabbit and the movie is based on that. You might enjoy watching it while knitting or stitching. DJ in SE Ohio

  3. Peter looks like he is coming into being and I hope your sweater emergency gets resolved.

  4. Mr Peter Rabbit is beginning to emerge! The stitching will be patient at least...

  5. A bird, a bug, a bunny --- that's a lot!

  6. I live in the area that Beatrix Potter lived and farmed in her later years. Many of her stories are based on places in the area.
