Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


All the knitting is done on this gray blob. What you see here is how much yarn I have leftover. I have no idea how I managed to buy so much more than I needed but I'm kind of glad I did. The gray blob doesn't look like much when it's laying about but when I try it on, I love it. I want one and I think I've got enough to make myself one too. 

That's a far in the future project because I've still go the other gray blob to finish AND Bon Amie and Chestnut waiting patiently in their project bags. 

Since the downstairs projects leave me sitting around a lot and watching The Mister fuss and fume, I got a bit done on the socks this week. I'm almost at the toe on both of them.

And...if you are keeping score of the downstairs disasters, here's yet another one. Yesterday was door day on the laundry nook and did the doors fit? Of course not. After installing all the tracks we had to uninstall them. Then we had to re-frame the doorway to get that half inch more we needed. That meant another trip to the hardware store for more trim since the trim we just put up was too short once we raised it all up. Now I've got to get out the paint and paint it all again.'s always something. 


  1. Congrats on finishing the grey blob!! I'm impressed that you want to make another one.

  2. Yay... no more grey blob knitting... wait... what... ANOTHER ONE????? Lol. We knitters are a crazy lot, aren't we!

  3. Instead of "it's always something", your new mantra may need to be "it's a lot of sh*&". There does seem to be too much going on, but at least you've finished one gray blob and are making lots of progress on your socks.

  4. Yay for the finish on the gray blob. And oops on the door. You should have made a television show with your house re-doing aventure.

  5. One less blob in the world? Hmmmm...

  6. It is so frustrating at this point in the job to have problems like this!!!! Sorry! Glad the knitting is going well! Hooray for leftover yarn!
