Sunday, September 22, 2024

To Market, To Market...


I made pizza Friday night and saved half of it for dinner yesterday but it didn't seem like much so yesterday morning we were off to the farmer's market to get the rest of dinner. 

The market days are winding down. There wasn't much produce but there were a lot of mums and....

 ...pumpkins. Everyone had pumpkins in all shapes, colors and sizes. 

People were loading up their cars with them.

The gourd bins were seeing a lot of action too. I have no idea what you do with these but apparently lots of people do. 

I brought home corn, yellow squash and a beautiful butternut to go with my pizza. It wasn't a riot of color on the table but it was all good. 

Craft wise, the sock yarn scarf got cut off the loom. I had to wind it back up so I could hemstitch the end I started from and that was no fun. I'm still traumatized from the whole experience so I won't show it off today. What I can tell you is that it's LONG. Very, very long. 

I'm pretty sure it's Dr. Who long and that's really long. 

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