Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


I'm so mad at myself I could spit. I am just about to finish these two and when I started thinking about what comes next I realized in horror that I have no idea how I am going to make the next ones match. I usually write down the measurements that I use for the long tail cast on but it seems I didn't. If I did I can't find it anywhere and I am furious at myself for being so stupid. These match each other but getting them to match their mates is going to be a challenge. I did think to save the yarn I cut off from the solid ribbing at the top. Pairfects always have more than my liking but that's as far as I got with using my brain. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, I also discovered I used the wrong needle for the orange pair. I thought they felt a little tight.  I had the needles in the wrong sleeve so I've got the green one being knit with a 2.50 and the orange one with a 2.25. 

All those stupid mistakes make me worry about the fate of the other gray blob. I've got to learn a new technique for making buttonholes in double knit and I'm starting to doubt I have the brain power.

It would help if I could get my sleep schedule back on track. At 4 am I am outside looking at the stars. I've wanted more wood so I could do my star gazing with a fire and now I have more than enough. Those early morning hours have become my favorite part of the day. When The Mister gets up, the work starts and I'm so tired of it. Happily, we are close to having the downstairs finished. One more new door and a hall light to hang tomorrow-but then that emergency bathroom repair starts. Good times. 


  1. My advice: just sit by the fire all day. Maybe the socks, needles, gray blob, and bathroom repair will get fixed without you. (Not likely, but I would sure be tempted to hide.)

  2. It is not important to me that socks match. I've used one skein of the Pairfect yarn, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy another. I think your socks look great!

  3. Since you'll have extra yarn from the ribbing on the Pairfects, I would just start at the start - knit the ribbing as long as you did on the first sock - then cut, and reattached after the ribbing, right where you need the stripes to start. You'll have a tail to weave in at the ribbing, but that's no different than if you knit the ribbing from a different yarn - it doesn't affect the sock at all!

    1. Brilliant! I knew someone would know what to do.
