Sunday, October 17, 2021

Woo Hoo


Woo hoo...the Walrus man socks are done. That makes eleven pairs in the gift box for 2021. Something should fit somebody don't you think?

These would have made pair number 12 in the gift box but they pooled rather unsightly at the ankle. It's Stroll in the Base Camp colorway and I think the contrast is too stark for plain vanilla socks. You need an afterthought heel to make these look right. They are going in The Mister's sock drawer when they are done. He's not in the least fussy about stuff like that. 

And...woo hoo...the Fright Club beanie is also done. I even wove in all those loose ends. I love it but it's a beanie and I'm really not the beanie type. I want a hat.

So.........I ordered what I hope are similar colors in Swish Worsted from Knit Picks and I'll try it again with bigger needles and bigger yarn and see what I get. 


  1. Twelve pair of socks this year! Whoo-hoo! That's great and so much better than I did. Twelve pair were my goal for this year and I did get 7 done so far but 4 pair are missing in action and the seventh pair is only needing kitchenered toes. I just didn't have the brain power to do that tonight.
    Love that hat and look forward to watching you make the new hat too.
    Our SIL is in your town visiting friends this weekend. Wave if you see him! Ha!

  2. Have fun with all those new colors! I like your beanie!

  3. You are going to have such a wonderful knit with all of that yarn!
