Saturday, May 11, 2019

Down By the Bay

 Between my back, The Mister's hip and Pup's torn ACL we have not managed to get down to the water in ages.

 Over the weekend they had the community plant. There is half a mile of raised beds to plant along the boardwalk so everyone comes out and lends a hand.

 The city workers were still working on all the big pots. I can't even count how many of these are out there if you include the long pier and all the side streets.

 The waterlilies were in bloom in the koi pond. The last time we were down here it was freezing and the fish were still hiding. What a difference a few weeks make.

 The ospreys appear to have made it back from South America. You can't see them but their heads were popping up from the nest from time to time. You can also see the crab pots bobbing in the water now. They are predicting a good harvest this year.

 I had to laugh at these two ducks on the beach. A few yards away three busloads of kindergartners on a field trip were having lunch. It didn't faze these two at all. Pup on the other hand was not happy. That's too many little feet in one place for her.

 Yippeee......the pizza guy better come back this year. I've been looking forward to some brick oven pizza all winter. Sadly, even though we have a pizza joint on every corner, there is NO good pizza down here. None.

 This is new. One of the antique shops went out of business and now it's a shop that sells crafty things.

We picked up some flowers there for his mom. We are off to visit her grave in the morning. The Mister hasn't been out to see her since she passed away around this time two years ago. I don't have far to visit my mom. She's still in my closet along side Daddio and my dear departed birdie. Sigh.
On a happier note, they had a big glass jar filled with rainbow colored bath bombs. That's a lot of happy for only $2. I need to go get some more.


  1. Pretty pictures. So cool that everyone helps out with the planting.

  2. Is that the Potomac? Is it weird that I recognize local waterways by it's color?? :)
    I love that everyone helps out with the planting. What a great community activity.

    1. You're close! It's the Chesapeake Bay. The Potomac flows right into it turning it's salty water brackish to make the blue crabs happy. We live a few blocks off of it.

  3. I think it's really neat that everyone helps with the planting. That also gives a sense of ownership in it too, so maybe vandalism would be less. At least you would hope so. Mandy and Piper used to walk along the bay and see the osprey nests. They would eagerly wait for the baby bird sightings when they got big enough.
    It looks like there will be lots of fun on the bay this summer.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog this morning. I hope you can get your camper someday. I would live here too if we could. Unfortunately, we have to go home sometimes to take care of the "big house!"

  4. I like to see the community spirit you've captured. Great photos.

  5. I love your little Bay! I hope to see it in person one day!

  6. Happy Mother's Day my friend. My dear Max is in my closet, so I understand you don't have far to go to say hello. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  7. Looks like spring there! I use Roundup Poison Ivy to get rid of like a charm:)

  8. Mom' s in the cemetery next to her mom and dad. We visited our grandfather there long before our gramma died. It feels right to have my mom there now
