Sunday, January 30, 2022



We didn't get much from this latest storm but what we got was wet and heavy again. 

It was pretty for a while but then the winds started. It blew most of the snow out of the trees that for the most part stayed where they were supposed to. 

It was absurdly cold so I had no choice but to make waffles and tea and ........

....spend the morning finishing Number 5. I love my little pile of sweaters. 

I would have cast on Number 6 but I decided I'd rather stay under a blanket in front of my YouTube fireplace and read the day away. The Mister spent the day shoveling things but I wasn't even tempted. That wind was too much for me. 


  1. I think you picked the best place ever to spend a snowy day. Reading with a fire burning in the fireplace nearby.
    Take care and I pray you feel better soon.

  2. Wow, that does look snowy! So what were you reading? Sounds like a great way to spend a chilly day. BTW, those little sweaters are adorable.

  3. Sounds like a pretty good way to spend a snow day.

  4. I was concerned for you and a11 on the coast. Wisconsin escaped this time. We have o1der snow but here in the woods it never gets dirty. Just compacts and me1ts. More due this week. Your mini sweaters are the best

  5. Looks like a good day to hunker down to me!

  6. I love those little sweaters. I want to make a bunch and mount them on a wreath. That seems like a ecumenical decoration to me.

  7. Enjoy your snow! Your little sweaters are so cute!

  8. Yes, that wind was awful-all the way down here, too! I like the pretty sweater pile you've made!
