Monday, January 10, 2022



When I was a student of French I loved the word..épuisée. It said so much more than an English word could convey. Yesterday I was totally épuisée-ed meaning it was time for a cup of tea, a chocolate digestive and a good afternoon on the couch.

I wasn't physically tired. I had gotten up early and cleaned the daylights out of the house for about three hours before I gave in to the need just to sit. That's a YouTube fire. It was gray and rainy and chilly and I needed to cozy up to get through the rest of the day.

The past week was a tough one on so many levels so spending the day catching up on my reading was a treat. I'm still reading my way through my pandemic purchases of the Little House series and a whole lot of Nancy Drew books. I said I was only going to read a chapter of each but I couldn't put them down once I started. The entire day got away from me. 

It's quite strange that I am sitting in a room that is filled with bags and boxes of books I am going to donate while at the same time I am exploring some books I just bought from eBay. I had been borrowing these from the library but I could never finish them in time so I went ahead and got my own copies. 

I also got a few chapters into this one. I found it in the Little Lending Library in front of the produce store and it's a gem. Half cookbook and half hilarious anecdotes-it's "a must have if you're planning on up and dying anytime soon". I guess it never hurts to be ready.


  1. You made me laugh at that last paragraph. I could tell by the cover that it's going to be a good one. My Mom would have loved it. She was a HUGE Erma Bombeck fan.
    I think your afternoon sounds lovely. I've spent a few days like that here when the temps were below zero and I didn't want to go anywhere. With renovations starting on the master bath on Tuesday, I'll be trapped in the basement again with Zoey with lots of knitting time. Who am I kidding? I LOVE days like that!
    Blessings and love,

  2. I'll be that last book is hysterical!! Sometimes a day spent lounging around with books and a cup of tea is just perfect!

  3. Reading is good for the soul - do as much of it as you can.
    Also... until you said, it, I thought that was a real fire. I was very jealous!

  4. I’ve been playing the same fireplace video every afternoon - so calming. Rosamunde Pilcher is one of my favorite authors. The last book sounds like a hoot!

  5. I've got a real fireplace going cuz we hit a cold spell for a few days! Crazy when it was just 80 a week ago! The cozy up and read sounds so luxurious! Nice word to say, too! lol
