Friday, January 21, 2022

Rescue Mission


Poor Rainbow Kitty had been pushed into a corner of the downstairs craft room last week when we packed it full of kitchen stuff. When I went to find it to work on it last night The Mister warned me that he had caught one of our kitties taking a nap on it. Yikes. 

Rainbow Kitty was on his frame which is made up of very sharp spikes to hold the material tight. I cut myself on them all the time. How a kitty found this comfortable I'll never know but as we know kitties are weird. 

Instead of working on Rainbow Kitty last night I had to give him a bath. He also got a good spray down. I have terrible kitty allergies and I swear by this stuff. It may be all in my head but I'm able to live comfortably with a house full of cats as long as I have a bottle of this on hand-which I always do. 

Rainbow Kitty took his bath like a champ and is none the worse for wear. It was an oddly satisfying thing to do. If you're wondering what the back of him looks like here it is getting a good sponge down. I wish it were this easy to give a real kitty a bath. It would solve a lot of my allergy issues. 


  1. Cool to see the back. amazing the kitty stepped over the spikes to take a nap!

  2. I just got some Burt's Bees Dander reducing wipes for the cats. That might be something to look at as opposed to trying to wash the cats. Burton LOVED getting wiped down.

  3. Cats find the darnest things comfortable don't they. I think Rainbow Kitties back is pretty cool too.

  4. Thanks for the info about Allerpet. I have kitty allergies, too.

  5. Whichever kitty slept on your fun project was one brave cat!

  6. Cats are weird who knows why they do what they do, glad you found a solution:)

  7. i'm glad there was no damage done! This will be such a pretty project completed!
