Monday, December 4, 2023

Simply Celebrate


Simply Celebrate Winter is the name of the stamp set from Lawn Fawn that The Mister picked out for his cards this year. Simple you say?  Look at this mess we made.

He's got a ton of relatives and former co-workers that he likes to send cards to. Me not so much so he does the coloring and then I put his work into card form for him. 

They are simple and cute but there are still a lot of different things going on. We only got a handful completed yesterday morning and then I bailed and went back to bed and slept the day away with a VERY sick headache. We've had a cloud sitting on us for two days now resulting in a dense fog that isn't playing nice with my sinuses. It's not often I take a whole Tylenol AND a whole Motrin at the same time but it was that bad. 

I did sit up long enough last night to work on Day Three of the Advent stocking. The whole time thinking I had rocks in my head for taking this project on. I suppose I better hold judgement for a better day. It is beginning to look promising. 


  1. I am so sorry that you're dealing with a bad headache. I don't get migraines often, but when I do, I know how awful they can be.
    Those socks are going to be beautiful. One day I'll be brave enough to try colorwork.
    And, you and the Mister put so much work into your beautiful cards. I'm amazed every year.
    Hope you're feeling better very soon.
    Blessings and love,

  2. Your Advent Stocking is so cute. I hope your headache is better. I've been surprised at how much my allergies are bothering me - still lots of pollen and dander around here.

  3. Despite the mess and general busyness, the cards do look very nice. And I like the snowflake kind of argyle pattern that you've got. I hope this week is headache-free.

  4. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    The cards are very cute.

  5. We've had the whole gloomy, cloudy headache weather, too. Enough! The cards are so cute-it's nice to work on something together besides therapy appts!!!! The stocking is really shaping up!

  6. Ugh with the headache! So sorry! The cards may be messy and labor intense but they certainly are awesome. I smiled just looking at the designs. Hope the headache is now history.
