Friday, December 15, 2023

Friday Fiber


I said I was going to do it and I did. I bought myself some interesting things to spin. This is Polwarth and YAK. I love Polwarth and I have never spun Yak before. It's the Hail Satin colorway from Hipstrings. 

This is BFL. I love it when it's dyed with gray fiber. It's so pretty as it is that I always hate to spin it. This is Redwood Forest from Friends in Fiber.  Both of these beauties will give me something to look forward to in the New Year. Both were found on Etsy.

And......shame on me. For the first time all month I FORGOT to knit the 6 rows for the 13th. I knit them yesterday morning when I remembered. You can now see pretty clearly that ugly gusset attempt. On the 24th, when this pattern is complete, I need to remember to print it out before it disappears so that I can re-do it next year from the TOP DOWN. I need to get back into my comfort zone. 


  1. Oooh, those braids are spectacular. I never spun yak either. You'll have to let us know how it is. As for the socks, they don't look that bad to me but I understand about top down, that's all I do.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. I bet you will have fun spinning those beautiful colors. The stocking KAL looks great to me.

  3. Your stocking looks good, and I don't see any ugliness in the gusset. I've never knit with yak but have only heard lovely things about it. Enjoy those braids!

  4. Love the new rovings!!!! So pretty! The stocking is looking great--no ugly gusset-shows up!!
