Monday, August 9, 2021

Another Birthday


Today is Daughter's birthday and her husband had this fancy cake shipped to her as a surprise. She's a big cake fan.  

It's a milk cake and she said it was delicious. Someone else enjoyed the surprise even more. It arrived in an insulated ice pack and one of her kitties dove right in for a nap. Talk about chilling out....


  1. Happy Birthday to Daughter (and your Son the other day). That cake looks yummy!!

  2. I'm ok with cake but the kitty pic really brought a smile to my face! lol

  3. A milk cake, I will have to look that up! Cool kitty:)

  4. Yummy-looking cake! Tuxedo kitties melt my heart.

  5. I need that cake right now. It is amazing. And kitty with a box....such a win win

  6. That cake looks so amazing that I had to track it down online. It's a bit pricey, but perfect for a special day. I hope it tasted as good as it looks!

  7. Her kitty is so cute! Hope both your birthday kids had great days. My brother and I are a day apart too. (With two years between)

  8. Happy Birthday to your daughter, the cake looks delicious.
