Wednesday, January 1, 2020

In With the New

 I've hit a wall with my projects yesterday so I spent the day  curled up on the couch with my favorite couple and a big bag of popcorn.

Bless you TCM for your Thin Man marathon. I've never spent New Year's Eve all alone and Nick, Nora and Asta were very good company.

Daughter must have hit a wall too because these are the only two photos that Daughter sent me to share from her Icelandic New Year's adventure. We'll all be heading home tomorrow and I know I'll be so glad to get back to my old routine.

Gleðilegt nýtt ár!
(That's Icelandic for Happy New Year!)


  1. Happy New Year! I'll be The Mister will be glad to have you home too.

  2. It was a no-craft-day for me too. I guess! I was in anticipation of the New Year new starts. Liana

  3. I love the Thin Man series, too! I watched one last night and then went to bed! Happy New Year!

  4. What a wonderful film series! I binge-watched Unforgotten while knitting yesterday - a totally different vibe but a great series. Happy New Year to all!

  5. Happy New Year! I was in bed before midnight... so I guess my 2020 is going to be a lazy one!

  6. Happy New Year! Hope 2020 brings you and your family much joy and peace.

  7. Wishing you a very good new Year Deb. You deserve it. We were asleep by midnight. Saw some good fireworks outside around ten. Some knitting got done
