Wednesday, December 11, 2019

First Fire

I am going to have to admit that it's winter even though I'm still waiting for fall. 

 We finally got one of those mornings that was cold-in the 20's but dry enough to feel like it was fire weather. It's been too windy here to even think about setting a blaze so close to all the wood we have lying about.

 I raided The Misters wood stash that he keeps by the wood stove he has in the man cave and made just enough of a fire to enjoy a cup of pumpkin spice coffee before he climbed out of bed.

 Of course as soon as he got up he had to poke at my fire since apparently I did it all wrong. Oh, well. It burned. It was pretty. It lasted just long enough to give me some peace before the daily chores begin. I think it was just fine.


  1. I love a fire any time, but to have morning coffee by one is excellent!!

  2. I never would have thought of having a morning fire but I love the idea! I always worry about getting sleepy before the nighttime fire burns out.

  3. Lol. This reminds me of a friend's husband. We were having a "girl's" night camping. He was at another site down the way, but he kept having to come back and poke at our fire. (Which was burning just fine.)

  4. I love that you have fires outside in the winter. It's way too cold here. We had about 3 inches of snow overnight that I'm trying to get the energy to go shovel.

  5. What a wonderful way to start your day! Hope the day has been as wonderful as the start of it.

  6. Looks perfect to me!
    Maybe he didn't think you could do it without him and the caveman in men...they love a fire.

  7. Sitting by the fire is a nice break in the middle of your crazy work schedule!

  8. That sounds like the perfect way to start the day.
